Allen Robertson

Driver of the Month - Over The Road

CalArk is  pleased to announce that our September CalArk OTR Driver of the Month is Allen Robertson! Allen has been with CalArk for 23 years and has reached nearly 4 million miles. He has competed for us in the annual ATA Truck Driving Championship in years past and has received many awards and honors with CalArk. Karen, Allen’s Driver Manager, says that Allen is an “exemplary driver who is always polite and courteous. He is willing to help. When things go awry as they do in trucking, Allen never lets the situation get to him. He is always so gracious towards me as I am towards him. I wish I had a whole board of Allens!”

When Allen is not driving a truck, he has several hobbies he enjoys. He is a coin collector, plays the guitar, and knows a variety of music. He plays by ear, and if he hears something one time, he can play it. Allen also enjoys cooking, particularly hamburger steak with gravy, fried apples, meatloaf, and even homemade bread. When he is over the road, though, he opts for quick choices like Subway that are also healthy.
When asked his advice for newer drivers to the industry and to CalArk, he says, "You have to take the good with the bad. And you will have bad days. But, with CalArk, when they can count on you it’s a good feeling. And you can count on them."

CalArk is proud to have Allen on our team. If you see or speak to him, please be sure to tell him congratulations and job well done!

A World-Class Safety Program

We put great emphasis on safe and defensive driving training here at CalArk. We have a company-wide, top-down understanding of and appreciation for the importance of safety and the impact it has on our company, on our industry, and on the motoring public.

Accident costs go beyond damaged equipment. Accidents affect company reliability and reputation, employee morale, insurance costs, productivity, recruiting, and retention efforts. We recognize the value of being committed to a world-class safety program, and we strive every day to be safer than the day before and to do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.